Friday 1 August 2014

It Goes On

| In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: it goes on. - Robert Frost |

Of all the major events that have taken place in my life over the last five years… okay let's be serious. All major events in my life - the last nineteen years, why have I never learned the lesson that life goes on. I have always read that life goes on, been told life goes on. But I think that the concept of moving on is a concept that I just swept under the carpet time and time again. Finally, everything that I have swept under the carpet tripped me. flat on my face. splat. flat. Sweeping things under the carpet has allowed myself to believe that I was moving on with life and deceived myself into believing that I was dealing with the problems I have.

Today as I thought about this post, I reminded myself that I have such a huge deep love for people and that getting on with my life was selfish - and I thought it would require me to forget about those people. experiences. emotions. everything. As I kept thinking… yes. I care about those people. yes. There are experiences and memories that I will never forget. There are people I am never going to forget. There are people who have left huge impressions on my heart. my life. my experiences. There are people that I love so greatly. so deeply. who have changed and moulded me into who I am today. There is no changing the past. What is, is. What was, was. Letting go does not mean that I have to stop loving those people. Letting go does not mean that things of my past will change. It is time to change my view of my life, where it is going and who I am becoming. 

I finally told myself… Life goes on… I remembered the quote by Robert Frost and I did a quick Pinterest search and found the right one. I publicly proclaimed on Instagram after that I believe that life goes on. You can view the photo here. I was so excited to share this revelation I had. 

After five years of saying that life goes on but not believing it has been draining. I have had to learn to let things go and just believe that my life can be happy. joyful. best it can be. without those certain people. items. experiences. I guess I have put my life on hold. But I have been so thrilled that I am finally letting go. getting help. moving on. moving passed. 

I was really inspired by this TED talk: Meg Jay: Why 30 Is Not The New 20 it was so beautiful and encouraging. She talked about so many topics that I have been thinking about or struggling with - love, relationships, getting educated, work, identity . I found this so fitting because I view it as okay, six more months and I will be 20. I've got six months to start to get my crap together… okay, I don't actually need to wait until I'm twenty but it is good motivation to start my twenties at my best. I loved how she said that your twenties is primitive for shaping your future and how in your twenties your brain literally rewires itself to prepare itself for adulthood - so changing who you are is key. Letting go has helped me restore my confidence and as Meg said forget identity crisis but get identity capital. As I have been working on becoming more confident in myself and trying to figure out who I am, I took Meg's words as a kick in the butt and to start heavily focusing on the good things say about me and start telling myself those things. I have been doing things that add value to who I am and as I cut back on my interactions with people, I am investing in people who I know will build me up. I have realized that those people who have been intentional with me are the people I want surrounding me. I have started to realize that those people have also been extremely intentional with me. 

I can see as I let go, I am seeing that there are people who want to be with. People who are, in fact, intentional with me are people I have fought for. And there are those who aren't intentional with me, I have let go. I am starting to realize that life goes on. I do not have to be defined by what I haven't done, didn't do… or even by the things I have done. 

Meg said that one good conversation can change the life of someone like myself who is near their twenties or in their twenties. Over the last few weeks, this has been so true for me. I have had multiple conversations with people that I have been needing to. My life is going on. I am moving on. 

Life Lesson to Learn and Remember: It Goes On.

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