Thursday 24 July 2014


transparency | intentionally baring your soul to the world by showing your true self to others |

I think back to conversations with some of my closest friends a lot and there are always certain things that always stick. My friend and fellow blogger - The Grace Canvas, always describes me as transparent. what you see is what you get. heart on your sleeve. no bsing. no beating around the bush. 

When I think of the word transparency - I think of an overhead projector sheet. clear. not much to it. thin. clear. lacking definition. blank.

The first time she used this word I was confused did not know what to think. Trying to put a definition together in my head all that came to mind was clear. see-through. flaky. fake. I quickly realized that is not what she meant - however, it took me a while to put an accurate definition together. To be honest, it took me a really long time to actually know what she meant. The thing that was stopping me from actually understanding what she meant was myself - and comparing myself to who I could be. 

I have really struggled with who I am the last few years. my self-worth was down the toilet. I always compared myself to who I could be - I would (still do) compare myself to others, especially my younger siblings. I have placed them on such a high pedestal - the biggest thing I have been learning and trying to remind myself is that they are human and that they have their short comings too. As the oldest child I have not been afraid to test the waters. The image I get when I test the waters is I look back and see my younger siblings - taking notes on what not to do. I know this is unfair. It is unfair to them and to me. But one thing, I wear my transparency so proud. I am a lot more open with what I am feeling compared to my siblings and I think that is the big difference between them and myself. I am a wide open book. You do not need a magnifying glass to read what I am feeling - in fact, I would be more than willing to read to you that book. 

Today, I have finally realized and put into words that my transparency is a gift. Even though there may be great risks and consequences that come with my honesty. Frankly, I do not care about the consequences. If I get hurt, I get hurt. I've been hurt before and I'm bound to get hurt again eventually. 

I want to be so transparent and so real to others - especially to those outside of the Christian circle. I want them to know and relish in the fact that the church is comprised of broken people, not perfect people. 

"But when Yeshua heard, he said to them, "The healthy have no need for a physician, but those ones who have become very ill; I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners.""
Mark 2:17 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

Because of my transparency, I hope and pray that who I am will impact someone so deep and that the light that shines through my honesty pulls like a magnet. 

I have always thought that my honesty has made me naive but I realize that this is far from the truth. I just learn and live by treating others the way I would like to be treated - even if it is not how I am treated in return. I brave the risk and I become vulnerable so I will be truly known. My honesty has allowed me to love so deeply. so purely. My honesty has allowed me to be truly real. My transparency has allowed the hearts of people to be touched. 

To be honest, I was motivated to write this post to talk about how I wish I was not so honest. Earlier I was asked about something I did, I replied sarcastically. Then seconds later I replied with the honest truth. It made me think and desire to not be so open. I did not want to be honest anymore. I had the dark desire to have the ability to lie and bend the truth easier. 

However, I needed help determining the difference between honesty and transparency. This simple question led to a conversation so deep and touching. God spoke to me to go speak with her… that conversation was not just for her to be encouraged but so that I could be encouraged as well. I left happy and confident in my gift of transparency rather than viewing it has a burden. 

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